Saturday, August 22, 2009

I broke a rule of mine

I went to Gresham today.

Mainly I wanted to leave the house for the first time in like 6 days.


I mean, of course some buildings are new along with a new crop of people living there, but I could have closed my eyes and gave directions to anywhere there and it would have been spot on. Same shitty businesses, same shitty people from the skateboard church loitering outside of Cafe Delirium, same soccer mom's with paint all over their back windows, same car washes being held on street corners.

I pretty much lost my shit and yelled some really colourful things at a group of 16 year old girls from my former high school, holding car wash signs. Different girls, but NOTHING HAS CHANGED.

I guess I can take comfort in a place like Vancouver or Portland, that no matter how long I'm gone stuff actually does change. Thoughts, beliefs and attitudes being paramount.

And for some God-awful reason Nicholas' is opening a second restaurant...IN GRESHAM.

That's just messed up. I bet half the people there can't even find Lebanon on a map.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's like when I visit Surrey. Same thing. Depressing as hell, and it makes one want to run far, far away.